DIY Cannabis Topicals and Salves: How to Make Them at Home

  1. Cannabis recipes and uses
  2. Topical uses of cannabis
  3. DIY cannabis topicals and salves

Welcome to our article on DIY cannabis topicals and salves! With the increasing popularity and legalisation of cannabis, more and more people are exploring its various uses and benefits. One of these uses is creating your own stardawg-infused cannabis topicals and salves at home. Whether you're looking for a natural remedy for pain relief or want to incorporate stardawg into your skincare routine, making your topicals and salves allows you to customise the ingredients and ensure their quality. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making DIY cannabis topicals and salves at home. We will cover everything from the benefits of using stardawg in topicals to the different methods of extraction to step-by-step instructions for creating your products.

Whether you're new to the world of DIY or a seasoned pro, this article is sure to provide valuable information and tips for making topicals and salves with cannabis. So, if you're ready to learn how to harness the power of cannabis in your homemade topicals and salves, keep reading! Are you interested in incorporating cannabis into your self-care routine? Look no further! In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know about DIY cannabis topicals and salves. Whether you're looking for pain relief, skincare, or just a new way to enjoy cannabis, we've got you covered. Get ready to become a pro at making your cannabis-infused topicals and salves. First, let's cover the basics of what exactly cannabis topicals and salves are and how they work. These products are applied directly onto the skin and are absorbed through the skin's pores.

Unlike other forms of cannabis consumption, topicals and salves do not enter the bloodstream, making them a great option for those looking for localised relief without the psychoactive effects. Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of making your topicals and salves at home. The first thing you'll need to decide is what type of topical or salve you want to make. Some popular options include lotions, balms, oils, and creams. Each type has unique benefits and uses, so choosing the one that best suits your needs is important. Next, gather the necessary ingredients and supplies.

You'll need a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or olive oil), beeswax, and your chosen cannabis strain. It's important to note that CBD-dominant strains are typically used for topicals and salves as they provide therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects. Now it's time to start creating! Begin by decarboxylating your cannabis, which involves heating it in the oven to activate its cannabinoids. Then, infuse the decarboxylated cannabis into your carrier oil by heating them together in a double boiler. Once infused, strain the oil and combine it with melted beeswax to create the desired consistency.

You can also add essential oils or other ingredients for added benefits. Lastly, review some helpful tips and tricks to ensure your topicals and salves are effective and long-lasting. Always store them in a cool, dark place to prevent them from spoiling. Labelling your products and keeping them out of reach of children and pets is also important. And remember, a little goes a long way with topicals and salves, so start with a small amount and increase as needed. Ready to try out some tried-and-true recipes? Here are a few to get you started:- CBD Pain Relief Salve combines CBD oil, beeswax, and essential oils for a soothing salve perfect for sore muscles and joints.- Cannabis-Infused Lotion: uses coconut oil, shea butter, and lavender essential oil for a moisturising and relaxing lotion.- Healing Balm: includes CBD oil, beeswax, and tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties, making it great for cuts, scrapes, and bug bites. By the end of this article, you'll have all the knowledge and confidence you need to create your own effective and customisable cannabis topicals and salves.

So go ahead and give it a try - your skin (and wallet) will thank you!

Gathering Ingredients and Supplies

When it comes to making your DIY cannabis topicals and salves, the first step is gathering all the necessary ingredients and supplies. Luckily, most of these items can be found at your local grocery store or online. Here's what you'll need to get started on your journey:
  • Cannabis-infused oil: This is the main ingredient in your topicals and salves, so choosing the right one is important. You can make your own by infusing carrier oils like coconut or olive oil with cannabis, or you can purchase pre-made cannabis-infused oils.
  • Essential oils: These are used for their therapeutic properties and can add a pleasant scent to your topicals.

    Popular choices include lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

  • Beeswax: This natural wax helps to thicken and solidify your salves, giving them a smoother texture.
  • Herbs and spices: Adding herbs and spices like ginger, arnica, or cayenne pepper can enhance the pain-relieving properties of your topicals.
  • Containers: You'll need containers to store your finished products in. Mason jars or small tins work well for salves, while roll-on bottles are great for topicals.
Gathering these ingredients and supplies will set you up for success in making your DIY cannabis topicals and salves. Now, let's move on to the next step: creating your cannabis-infused oil.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Cannabis Topicals and Salves

Are you ready to make your personalised cannabis topicals and salves? Follow our simple instructions below and get started! Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients: The first step in making any DIY product is gathering all your ingredients. For this recipe, you will need:
  • Cannabis-infused oil or butter (made with your preferred strain and method)
  • Beeswax
  • Essential oils (optional for added scent and benefits)
  • Glass jar or container for storage
Step 2: Melt the Beeswax and Cannabis Oil. Melt the beeswax and cannabis-infused oil in a double boiler or microwave-safe bowl.

The ratio should be about 1 part beeswax to 3 parts cannabis oil. Stir until well combined. Step 3: Add Optional Essential Oils. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oils to the mixture if desired. This will add a pleasant scent and enhance the therapeutic benefits of your topicals. Step 4: Pour into the container and let it cool. Carefully pour the mixture into your chosen container or jar. Allow it to cool and solidify completely before use. Congratulations, you have successfully made your cannabis topicals and salves! Feel free to experiment with different strains and essential oils to find the perfect blend.

Understanding Cannabis Topicals and Salves

Cannabis topicals and salves are products applied directly onto the skin for various purposes.

They are made by infusing cannabis into oils, creams, or balms, which can then be used as self-care products. These topicals and salves are non-intoxicating, meaning they do not produce a psychoactive effect like smoking or ingesting cannabis does. Instead, they bind to receptors in the skin, muscles, and tissues, providing localised relief without affecting the rest of the body. The main benefit of using cannabis topicals and salves is their ability to provide targeted relief for specific areas of the body. They can be used for various purposes, such as pain relief, inflammation reduction, and skin care. Some people also use them for relaxation or aromatherapy. Knowing about the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) is important to understand how these products work.

This system is responsible for maintaining balance in the body and regulates pain, inflammation, and other bodily functions. When cannabis topicals and salves are applied to the skin, they interact with the ECS by binding to receptors and producing therapeutic effects.

CBD (cannabidiol)

is the most commonly used cannabinoid in topicals and salves, as it has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. However, some products may also contain other cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which can provide additional benefits. Now that you have a basic understanding of cannabis topicals and salves, it's time to learn how to make them at home. Keep reading to discover the steps and ingredients needed to create your DIY cannabis topicals and salves.

Helpful Tips and Tricks

When it comes to making your DIY cannabis topicals and salves, there are a few tips and tricks that can help enhance your experience.

These tips can also ensure that your topicals and salves come out just as you want. So, without further ado, here are some helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Start with quality ingredients: The key to making effective cannabis topicals and salves is to start with high-quality ingredients. This includes using fresh, potent cannabis flower or extract, organic carrier and essential oils.
  • Decarboxylate your cannabis: To activate the medicinal properties of cannabis, it needs to be decarboxylated. This process involves heating the cannabis at a low temperature for a specific amount of time.

    You can do this in the oven or using a specialised decarboxylation device.

  • Experiment with different carrier oils: Carrier oils dilute the cannabis extract or flower and help it absorb into the skin. Some popular options include coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil. However, experiment with different carrier oils to find the best one.
  • Use a double boiler: When heating your ingredients together, it's important to use a double boiler to prevent burning or overheating. This is especially important when working with wax or beeswax, which can easily burn if exposed to direct heat.
  • Add essential oils for fragrance and additional benefits: Essential oils add a pleasant scent to your topicals and salves and offer additional therapeutic benefits.

    Lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus are popular for their calming and pain-relieving properties.

  • Don't forget to label your creations: It's important to label your DIY cannabis topicals and salves with the ingredients used and the date they were made. This will help you keep track of your creations and ensure that you use them before they expire.
By following these helpful tips and tricks, you can elevate your DIY cannabis topical and salve-making experience. Have fun experimenting and creating your personalised self-care products with the power of cannabis.

Recipes for Effective Cannabis Topicals and Salves

If you're ready to start making your cannabis topicals and salves, we have some fantastic recipes for you to try. These tried-and-true recipes have been tested and perfected to provide the best results.

So roll up your sleeves, and let's get started! Pain-Relieving Salve This salve is perfect for those seeking relief from sore muscles, joint pain, or inflammation. The combination of cannabis, arnica, and menthol creates a powerful pain-relieving effect that will have you feeling better in no time.


  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of beeswax pellets
  • One tablespoon of dried arnica flowers
  • One teaspoon of menthol crystals
  • 1/4 cup of dried cannabis flower (or 1/8 cup of cannabis-infused coconut oil)
  1. In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil and beeswax pellets together.
  2. Add the arnica flowers and menthol crystals and let them infuse for 30 minutes.
  3. Add in the cannabis flower or infused oil and let it infuse for an additional 30 minutes.
  4. Carefully strain the mixture through a cheesecloth into a jar or container.
  5. Let the salve cool and solidify before using.
Soothing Lotion Bars: These lotion bars are perfect if you prefer a more solid topical form. They are easy to apply and provide moisturising and soothing effects for dry or irritated skin.


  • 1 cup of beeswax pellets
  • 1 cup of shea butter
  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of dried cannabis flower (or 1/8 cup of cannabis-infused coconut oil)
  1. Melt the beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil in a double boiler.
  2. Add in the cannabis flower or infused oil and let it infuse for 30 minutes.
  3. Carefully pour the mixture into a mould or container and let it cool and solidify.
  4. Rub the lotion bar on your skin to release the moisturising and soothing properties.
Congratulations, you are now a pro at making DIY cannabis topicals and salves! We hope this article has inspired you to explore the many benefits of incorporating cannabis into your self-care routine. With a little creativity and experimentation, the possibilities are endless. So go ahead, get crafty and start making your personalised cannabis topicals and salves today!

Lillian Thorne
Lillian Thorne

Lillian Thorne, the author of "The Cannabis Compass," stands at the forefront of integrating cannabis with holistic health practices. With a master's in herbal medicine, Lillian has dedicated her career to developing cannabis-based products that address a spectrum of health issues, from chronic pain to anxiety and beyond. Her pioneering spirit is reflected in her push for products that are not only effective but also sustainable and ethically produced. Lillian's voice is a clarion call for natural wellness in the cannabis industry, advocating for plant-based remedies that align with the body's natural rhythms. Through her writing and speaking engagements, she educates on the healing potential of cannabis when used responsibly and intelligently, fostering a community that respects both the science and spirit of this versatile plant.

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